Goes to show how switched on MFSA are

2021-03-25T09:17:28+01:00Thu, 25th Mar '21, 09:17|

In court this morning prosecutors asked the court to inform the financial services regulator that last Saturday they charged with money laundering companies authorised by the MFSA to provide financial services. The court approved and ordered that the MFSA is informed. Presumably one expects the MFSA to now, finally, withdraw their approval of these cowboys [...]

Who’s Miriam Dalli complaining to?

2021-03-24T16:25:20+01:00Wed, 24th Mar '21, 16:22|

Miriam Dalli’s whataboutism would make Joseph Muscat proud. Probably does. She recalled when she was a “journalist” “investigating” “corruption” under the PN but “nothing happened” and those calling for justice now “close an eye or two”. She was not a journalist, but a propagandist. Investigation requires some basis in reality. John Rizzo’s police force investigated, [...]

Repubblika asks European Parliament to keep watch on Malta

2021-03-24T12:20:51+01:00Wed, 24th Mar '21, 12:20|

NGO Repubblika’s president Robert Aquilina told the European Parliament’s President David Sassoli today that “Malta’s struggle against the Mafia is a European fight” and urged the European Parliament “not to underestimate the continental scale of the challenge of organised crime.” “Mafia organisations exploit Europe’s freedoms to operate cross-border criminal activities whilst policing and law enforcement [...]

Does Ian Abdilla get another medal for this?

2021-03-24T11:49:06+01:00Wed, 24th Mar '21, 11:41|

A court has reprimanded the police for filing a shoddy case against Anthony Debono, husband of former Gozo minister Giovanna Debono. It was the case that was supposed to be the test bed for the then new whistleblower protection law. In 2015, the government gave immunity to a contractor who was claiming money from the [...]

Not under Gonzi

2021-03-24T10:55:06+01:00Wed, 24th Mar '21, 10:55|

The desperate caterwauling from the hymn book used by the Labour Party to spin itself out of the problems created for it by the detention on remand of of Keith Schembri, one of its most prominent leaders of the years 2008-2019, says that the Allied Newspapers scandal about which he is charged happened when Lawrence [...]

GUEST POST: And they stick their heads in the sand

2021-03-24T09:26:38+01:00Wed, 24th Mar '21, 09:26|

Ostriches do, thinking, if they think at all with their pea-sized brains, that once they see no one, nobody sees them. Apparently the Republican Party Congress men and women and Senators in the USA have Ostrich genes or pea-sized brains or both. Having lived through four years of lies, half-truths and denigration of the press [...]

A little extra on the side

2021-03-24T09:28:36+01:00Wed, 24th Mar '21, 09:14|

Justyne Caruana is recovering in hospital after feeling unwell. Lovin' Malta reported she was admitted after an overdose of legal medication. Press reports spoke of major commotion at the education department after a dispute arose about the ongoing controversy of a contract the department gave to retired footballer Daniel Bogdanovic.  The Minister is facing considerable backlash after [...]

The gift of foresight

2021-03-23T12:31:56+01:00Tue, 23rd Mar '21, 12:31|

… is one Saviour Balzan does not have. He’s also missing the gifts of grace, self-awareness, compassion, competence and consistency. Come to think of it,the man is quite altogether lacking. He expresses shock that “right-leaning press and bloggers” should be, but aren’t, bashing Times of Malta right now, and contrasts this with what would have [...]

Re-open Egrant

2021-03-23T10:56:58+01:00Tue, 23rd Mar '21, 10:56|

We are witnessing a battle for the direction of the Labour Party. We are witnessing a battle for the resources of the State. We are experiencing a battle for the soul of our country. No one in the Labour Party doubts that between 2008 and 2013 the entire infrastructure of their movement was turned into [...]

GUEST POST: Joseph’s ‘Cosa Nostra’ and earthquakes

2021-03-22T16:37:36+01:00Mon, 22nd Mar '21, 16:37|

The Sicilian Mafia, also simply known as Mafia and frequently referred to as Cosa Nostra (Our Thing) is an Italian terrorist-type organized crime syndicate and criminal society originating in Sicily in the 19th century. It is an association of criminals who share a code of conduct. Members of the Mafia call themselves ‘men of honour’ [...]

GUEST POST: The troll in chief

2021-03-21T19:05:09+01:00Sun, 21st Mar '21, 19:05|

Since I have been told many times by the trolls that infest our social platforms that I need to ‘get a life’ because I am not a ‘mara simpatika mingħajr pretensjonijiet’, I decided to spoil the little life I’ve got and sit through the prime minister’s appearance on troll-central’s favourite television channel this morning.  I [...]

GUEST VERSES: Where are you now? (Maltese)

2021-03-21T18:56:19+01:00Sun, 21st Mar '21, 18:56|

Fejn qiegħed issa, ja bully? by Inger Cini Ejj'aqbeż għalihom ja pulċinell. Le, ma tmurx titfa xi dell! Kodard, x'imkien tistaħba. Ixorbu kollu dak l-inbid, Ara jfakkrikx hu u nieżel, F'meta kont bieżel tigdeb u tgiddeb u tħalli id-demm jiġri bla nkwiet. Ara jfakkrikx li inti daqshom, pupazz miskin f'dan l-att li għaddej; miġbud u [...]

STAR COMMENT: When Robert Abela watched and smirked

2021-03-21T18:39:21+01:00Sun, 21st Mar '21, 18:39|

This comment was sent by Edward Mallia under this morning's post about Matthew Pace, remanded in casted at Kordin prison and erstwhile board member at the Planning Authority. On your comment about the Matthew Pace: "He was forced to resign from the Planning Authority when his ITS tower imbroglio was discovered when he worked to [...]

Daphne was right

2021-03-21T11:13:46+01:00Sun, 21st Mar '21, 11:13|

Probably, if you’re reading this, you never really doubted it. Probably, if you’re reading this, like me you felt pangs of guilt on 16 October 2017 when you thought that if you had done more to say that you thought Daphne was right her powerful voice would have reached further. I do not suggest you [...]

Over dead bodies

2021-03-21T11:25:43+01:00Sun, 21st Mar '21, 11:12|

The importance of a national debate on what has been and is happening in Malta is imperative. I have no sympathy with the difficulty Robert Abela must have with coming out with a line that doesn’t harm his political party. If he praises institutions and himself for letting them work, he legitimises their action, effectively [...]

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