GUEST POST: The Good Surgeon

2019-06-06T10:04:48+02:00Thu, 6th Jun '19, 10:04|

Sent in by a regular contributor. Whether they like it or not, the Nationalist Party is stuck with Adrian Delia’s clan like the paralysed side of a stroke patient. Adrian Delia will leave on his own terms, when he wants to, not when 100% of the Nationalist electorate tells him to. It’s useless for the [...]

Justice Commissioner demands Malta consults Venice Commission on justice reforms

2019-06-06T09:51:30+02:00Thu, 6th Jun '19, 09:51|

Photo: Leo Cavallo/Alamy Live News European Commission sources have told this website that Justice Commissioner Vera Jourova has “stressed the need to ensure the necessary checks and balances” in Malta’s planned justice reforms and that Malta’s government is “to consult the Venice Commission”. Commissioner Jourova’s remarks were made in a meeting in Brussels [...]

EU Commission studying CoE report on Malta “in detail”

2019-06-06T09:33:06+02:00Thu, 6th Jun '19, 09:33|

Frans Timmermans (left) at a PL event in May The European Commission is “currently studying in detail” a report adopted by the Committee for Justice and Human Rights of the Council of Europe that recommended that EU institutions act on the breakdown of rule of law in Malta if Maltese authorities continue to [...]

When is a university not a university? (2)

2019-06-05T16:19:30+02:00Wed, 5th Jun '19, 16:17|

This is the second part of a series arising from an interview with an ex-staff member at the AUM. Part 1 is here. According to the information originally published on its website, the American University of Malta ‘was officially born on 16 September 2016’ although what it was actually doing at this time is open [...]

Trolled by future generations

2019-06-05T16:13:32+02:00Wed, 5th Jun '19, 16:13|

Or at least by their advocate. Maurice Mizzi, holder of what I have described as “the most pompous, highfalutin, bombastic balderdash of a title ever awarded to anyone by a republic” or “Guardian of Future Generations” should be in a spot of trouble because of his bigoted, racist, islamophobic remarks made in a recent interview [...]

GUEST POST: Valuable factions

2019-06-05T15:32:42+02:00Wed, 5th Jun '19, 15:32|

Sent in by someone known to me that goes by the name of 'Libertas'. When discussing the current political scenario it would perhaps entail taking a back seat and possibly be as objective as possible. The absence of mature political thinking (ideologies is a big unedifying word) in all parties could be an offspring of [...]

EU Commission to Malta: “Strengthen the independence of the judiciary”.

2019-06-05T15:33:43+02:00Wed, 5th Jun '19, 15:18|

The need to fix Malta's governance framework was 1 of 3 priorities identified by the European Commission for Malta to deliver on the "stability program" as an EU member state. The stability program measures compliance with economic policies of the countries in the EU and identifies weaknesses that need adjusting to ensure economic stability into [...]


2019-06-05T15:06:55+02:00Wed, 5th Jun '19, 15:06|

Leaks happen when the plumbing is not working well. Somewhere in the flow of information and decision-making things are getting stuck, pressure behind the blockage mounts and vulnerabilities and risk end up gushing out of unintended openings. People are admonishing some PN MPs and officials — some who have resigned and others who haven’t — [...]


2019-06-05T15:01:06+02:00Wed, 5th Jun '19, 14:35|

Timothy Alden is Deputy Leader of the Partit Demokratiku. He wrote in on World Environment Day which also happens to be the eve of the 75th anniversary of D-Day. It has been 75 years since D-Day when humanity mobilised against an inhuman ideology. 75 years down the line, who would have imagined that today we would [...]

GUEST POST: We’re not the establishment

2019-06-05T14:32:11+02:00Wed, 5th Jun '19, 12:50|

Sent in by someone known to me. Democracy keeps hitting a new low in Malta month after month. In other parts of Europe, party leaders shouldered the responsibility for electoral losses last month by calling it quits. That's what leadership is about. As a Maltese voter, my message to Adrian Delia and all Maltese politicians is short [...]

Where did you get that Egrant quote from then?

2019-06-05T10:46:29+02:00Wed, 5th Jun '19, 10:46|

Edward Scicluna, Chris Cardona and Konrad Mizzi replied in Court giving their reasons why an inquiry should not be conducted to look into their conduct in the VGH Hospitals scandal. At this point, their guilt or innocence is not being examined. The question being looked at is whether there is enough that is known to [...]

A tale of two interviews

2019-06-04T18:00:46+02:00Tue, 4th Jun '19, 18:00|

  There were two interviews on the online newspapers today. The Times of Malta interviewed Adrian Delia. The Malta Independent interviewed Mark Anthony Sammut. Watch them both. The topics covered in the interviews have been extensively covered in the press, including this website over the last several days. And the online newspapers themselves summarise the [...]

By someone known to me

2019-06-04T17:48:39+02:00Tue, 4th Jun '19, 17:40|

Henry S Pace sent in the following comment under an anonymous Guest Post: ' Sent in by someone I know. ' Delia this sentence has to stop once and for all. All those who want to hide their name are not worth a pinch of salt. Quite apart from the abrasiveness which seems to be [...]

UPDATED: But are we willing to pay for it?

2019-06-05T10:59:35+02:00Tue, 4th Jun '19, 17:23|

Correction uploaded at 10:57 of 05/06/2019. Jean Pierre Debono published a redacted scan of a deposit that appears to be his monthly salary into what he says is his bank account. I don’t blame him. Stories have been making the rounds that he’s somehow raking it in and that he’s clinging onto some pot of [...]

When is a university not a university? (1)

2019-06-04T16:22:17+02:00Tue, 4th Jun '19, 16:17|

Following on from an article recently published in The Shift News, this is the first part of a series by Lizzie Eldridge arising from an interview with an ex-staff member at the American University of Malta (AUM). The series pursues a range of links and pathways triggered by this interview. There’s an absurdist play by [...]

COMING UP: When is a university not a university?

2019-06-04T11:01:40+02:00Tue, 4th Jun '19, 11:01|

Starting this afternoon this website is publishing a series by Lizzie Eldridge on the American University of Malta. This first series of 6 in-depth articles will examine the context of the licensing of this self-described academic institution and how the artistic impressions of students studying in the sun dockside in Bormla have so far remained [...]

16th June: Vigil for Truth and Justice

2019-06-17T07:17:59+02:00Tue, 4th Jun '19, 08:50|

Daphne Caruana Galizia was killed in a car bomb planted by hired assassins in her car. She was killed because of the work she was doing uncovering crime and corruption. The government says this was not an assassination. That alone is a reason to protest. There are many others. The vigil is called by Repubblika, [...]

GUEST POST: Why Adrian Delia and his team should resign

2019-06-04T07:17:12+02:00Tue, 4th Jun '19, 07:17|

Sent in by someone I know. I should add that guest posts like this one are unsolicited and coming from people whose direct engagement with politics is limited to voting and being aware of what's going on. Adrian Delia in his Times Talk interview today says he's 'frustrated' with MPs who slag him off. It's [...]

The football coach analogy

2019-06-03T17:02:58+02:00Mon, 3rd Jun '19, 17:02|

Times Talk is interviewing Adrian Delia again tomorrow. We only saw snippets of the interview today and it doesn’t look like they’re going to discuss the Council of Europe report that found Malta’s rule of law crashing around our ears, or the PN’s economic policy, or climate change, or Adrian Delia’s solution to the intractable [...]

Government: Daphne Caruana Galizia ‘was not assassinated’

2019-06-03T16:35:28+02:00Mon, 3rd Jun '19, 16:35|

In a shocking response to the Byline Times a person identified by that website as the “head of communications for the Maltese government” said the word “‘assassination’ is a very politically loaded word, which I refute”. Though the government has up to now avoided using the term “assassination” when describing the killing of Daphne Caruana [...]

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