The man who cured covid

2020-11-30T11:15:34+01:00Mon, 30th Nov '20, 11:15|

Politicians who claim credit for the achievements of science cause as much harm to the objective credibility of science, as those who altogether deny its veracity. To be fair I don’t think many people take Robert Abela’s bluster seriously. He hasn’t quite charmed supporters of the Labour Party yet. They take his bullishness with a [...]

The mafioso who thinks it’s funny

2020-11-30T09:18:40+01:00Mon, 30th Nov '20, 08:47|

The story of police wiretaps of a mafioso accountant laundering billions for the ‘Ndrangheta, one of the biggest and most dangerous crime syndicates in the world, should hopefully chill some people here into a realisation of what we’re dealing with. Around the time that Matthew Caruana Galizia first hit this sceptical, uncomprehending island with the [...]

GUEST POST: Robert Abela’s week

2020-11-30T08:13:18+01:00Mon, 30th Nov '20, 08:13|

‘Due to the fast-changing pace of the political landscape, the fortunes of a politician or political group can change drastically just in the course of a single week.’ - Attributed to Harold Wilson, 1964. The new incomplete ‘important artery’ in Gozo’s road network, inaugurated with much pageantry by the Prime Minister about a fortnight ago [...]

Hurry Up and Kill Her (Part 9)

2020-11-19T14:35:29+01:00Sat, 28th Nov '20, 17:00|

The following is the ninth and final part of a series first published in Italian as a concluding chapter of Daphne Caruana Galizia, Un Omicidio di Stato (Strade Blu Mondadori, 2020), the Italian edition of Murder on the Malta Express: Who Killed Daphne Caruana Galizia(MidSea Books, 2019 and Silvertail Books, 2019). Hurry Up and Kill Her (Part 9) [...]

Hurry Up and Kill Her (Part 8)

2020-11-19T14:36:11+01:00Fri, 27th Nov '20, 17:00|

The following is the eighth part of a series first published in Italian as a concluding chapter of Daphne Caruana Galizia, Un Omicidio di Stato (Strade Blu Mondadori, 2020), the Italian edition of Murder on the Malta Express: Who Killed Daphne Caruana Galizia(MidSea Books, 2019 and Silvertail Books, 2019). Hurry Up and Kill Her (Part 8) When he [...]

How long is your spoon, Simon Mercieca?

2020-11-27T14:56:30+01:00Fri, 27th Nov '20, 14:56|

I’ve written about Simon Mercieca on this blog a few times and I worry that I end up promoting the hallucinations of a lunatic simply by flattering them with a response. I could go on about the lies he is perpetrating. He would not call them lies. He would call them alternative facts, relegating reality [...]


2020-11-27T13:37:08+01:00Fri, 27th Nov '20, 13:32|

I couldn’t miss the sight of Konrad Mizzi repeating the line ‘I will not reply’ several hundred times as he’s asked questions that have been chasing him for 7 years. Let him know then that this is the rest of his life – behind bars or outside them, in parliament’s dunces’ corner or wherever he [...]

Are you coming?

2020-11-27T08:37:31+01:00Fri, 27th Nov '20, 08:37|

The fugitives are managing the risks to themselves arising out of the Daphne Caruana Galizia inquiry in the same way they managed the risks to themselves arising out of the work of Daphne Caruana Galizia. They are treating it with contempt, seeking to discredit it, staying away from it, associating it with the ineligible-to-the-truth Nationalists, [...]

Hurry Up and Kill Her (Part 7)

2020-11-19T14:36:22+01:00Thu, 26th Nov '20, 17:00|

The following is the seventh part of a series first published in Italian as a concluding chapter of Daphne Caruana Galizia, Un Omicidio di Stato (Strade Blu Mondadori, 2020), the Italian edition of Murder on the Malta Express: Who Killed Daphne Caruana Galizia(MidSea Books, 2019 and Silvertail Books, 2019). Hurry Up and Kill Her (Part 7) The following [...]

Ring a ring o’ roses

2020-11-26T12:22:13+01:00Thu, 26th Nov '20, 12:22|

Joe Cuschieri has resigned the headship of the Malta Financial Services Authority. That's after he "suspended himself", but before former Chief Justice Joseph Azzopardi reported to the MFSA board on his findings in an internal inquiry. When they hired Joseph Azzopardi they must have expected him to be accommodating. After all, he hadn't found anything [...]

The mafia must be resisted, Repubblika says

2020-11-26T11:30:06+01:00Thu, 26th Nov '20, 11:30|

Repubblika reacted today to reports that Joseph Muscat and Yorgen Fenech had a paid-for holiday in Yorgen Fenech's Evian hotel. The NGO said it was concerned and saddened by drip-fed developments revealing unacceptable friendships between politicians and major businessmen who use gifts, privileges and tips to get closer to decision-makers. "It is becoming increasingly clear [...]

PODCAST: Confidence crisis

2020-11-26T11:09:12+01:00Thu, 26th Nov '20, 11:09|

Manuel Delia · Confidence Crisis Gordon Debono has also been charged with money laundering in connection with the fuel smuggling scandal we’ve known about for some four years. I became vaguely aware of this when Daphne Caruana Galizia wrote about the mother-in-law of Gordon Debono’s business partner Darren Debono, calling her to bully her because [...]

Nope, they can’t do better than this.

2020-11-25T18:42:38+01:00Wed, 25th Nov '20, 17:10|

Matthew Carbone, chief spokesman of the government, manager of Robert Abela’s relationship with the press, propagandist in command, head communications honcho and all the rest of it, has just had his part-time contract renewed. Yep, because you see, the chief government spokesman needs and has a part-time job and as you might imagine his second [...]

You’ve got to hand it to them. They have a sense of humour.

2020-11-25T17:03:23+01:00Wed, 25th Nov '20, 17:03|

On 28 June I wrote about Ishmael Psaila, a Super One newspaper ‘reviewer’ and Labour Party activist who is also Keith Schembri’s personal attorney. On the day I wrote about him because after removing Aaron Mifsud Bonnici from the Enemalta board in the wake of the Montenegro windfarm scandal, the government replaced him with Ishmael [...]

Hurry Up and Kill Her (Part 6)

2020-11-19T14:36:35+01:00Wed, 25th Nov '20, 17:00|

The following is the sixth part of a series first published in Italian as a concluding chapter of Daphne Caruana Galizia, Un Omicidio di Stato (Strade Blu Mondadori, 2020), the Italian edition of Murder on the Malta Express: Who Killed Daphne Caruana Galizia(MidSea Books, 2019 and Silvertail Books, 2019). Hurry Up and Kill Her (Part 6) Cabinet was [...]

In his words

2020-11-25T18:15:56+01:00Wed, 25th Nov '20, 16:48|

Malta, rightly, paid tribute to Oliver Friggieri today. He was never my teacher but for some months he used to be on the radio back in the time when talk-shows on radio existed and were something to look forward to. Oliver Friggieri was not good with technology. My children will find it difficult to believe [...]

LONG READ: Nobody ever wins a civil war

2020-11-25T12:35:11+01:00Wed, 25th Nov '20, 12:35|

I was saddened to see the Institute of Journalists explicitly distance itself from The Shift News. You may call me a chicken but I’m not here to pass judgement on whether the reaction was proportionate or not. I’m not here to pass judgement on anything or anyone because if this is about journalists aiming their [...]

Hurry Up and Kill Her (Part 5)

2020-11-19T14:36:46+01:00Tue, 24th Nov '20, 17:00|

The following is the fifth part of a series first published in Italian as a concluding chapter of Daphne Caruana Galizia, Un Omicidio di Stato (Strade Blu Mondadori, 2020), the Italian edition of Murder on the Malta Express: Who Killed Daphne Caruana Galizia(MidSea Books, 2019 and Silvertail Books, 2019). Hurry Up and Kill Her (Part 5) In the [...]

UPDATED: The professionals in the ring

2020-11-24T18:05:09+01:00Tue, 24th Nov '20, 16:15|

Updated at 18:03 Arthur Azzopardi has been released from arrest after being interrogated in connection with laundering money for an oil smuggling racket between Libyan militia and the Italian mafia. He was questioned after charges were filed last night against Darren Debono, former Malta football national, who is also undergoing a trial in Italy for providing [...]

Silvio Parnis: a pointless political life in pointless pictures

2020-11-24T15:57:25+01:00Tue, 24th Nov '20, 15:57|

There’s nothing less dignified than a recently dismissed government minister moping about his fate. Silvio Parnis’s opinion of himself is not grounded in any form of reality. His opinion about his job is also completely misguided. But it has been encouraged for many years by a Labour Party that saw in him the one thing [...]

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