More European inquiries into the state of play in Malta

2018-04-23T16:44:49+02:00Mon, 23rd Apr '18, 16:44|

The Council of Europe has appointed a rapporteur to investigate Malta’s handling of the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia. This is only the third ever similar initiative of the Council of Europe. The only other two precedents both concerned Russia when rapporteurs were appointed to investigate the assassinations of Sergei Magnitsky and Boris Nemtsov. The [...]

Chris Cardona’s phone logs

2018-04-23T16:36:19+02:00Mon, 23rd Apr '18, 16:16|

It looks like Chris Cardona may unilaterally withdraw the libels suits he had filed against Daphne Caruana Galizia for reporting he was in a brothel in Germany 14 months ago during an official trip there. Libel suits are almost never unilaterally withdrawn. They are sometimes settled out of court when the parties agree on a [...]

Blame it on Eve

2018-04-23T12:05:36+02:00Mon, 23rd Apr '18, 12:05|

After the film screening on Saturday I hosted a panel discussion with guests who had interesting things to say. But they were all men. That wasn’t a good thing whatever the context and whatever the subject being discussed. The fact that the silly all-male scene was unintended and due to some last minute cancellations from [...]

Christian Kaelin dodges questions

2018-04-23T09:26:33+02:00Mon, 23rd Apr '18, 09:21|

Christain Kaelin of Henley and Partners was having a big jamboree last week in London selling the citizenship of countries he does not belong to but which he behaves as if he owns. Kaelin likes publicity as much as the next hawker but he likes his interviews controlled. His face turned sour when Freddy Gray [...]

Hate porn

2018-04-23T09:02:01+02:00Mon, 23rd Apr '18, 09:02|

Several people sent me the screenshot below. I was so revolted by it I could not for several hours bring myself to publish it. Sometimes people expect that when someone one disagrees with utterly embarrasses themselves with their behaviour, one would gleefully parade their behaviour to score easy points. I feel no satisfaction in seeing [...]

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