About Manuel Delia

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So far Manuel Delia has created 7980 blog entries.

WATCH: Repubblika’s 17 Black Seminar

2019-03-14T10:33:58+01:00Thu, 14th Mar '19, 10:33|

Last week Repubblika hosted a seminar delivered by Godfrey Leone Ganado on the 17 Black scandal providing insight into money laundering and bribery schemes and answering questions from participants. You can watch the full seminar here. https://youtu.be/0pMBcIvD8RM

Pelin Ünker to speak at Saturday’s vigil

2019-03-13T19:56:54+01:00Wed, 13th Mar '19, 19:53|

Statement by Repubblika: Repubblika announces that a protest vigil is called for Saturday 16 March at 18:30 to call for Truth and Justice seventeen months since the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia. The vigil will be held in front of the Law Courts in Great Siege Square, Valletta. The vigil will be addressed by Turkish [...]

For crying out loud

2019-03-13T19:25:44+01:00Wed, 13th Mar '19, 19:25|

In what universe is this acceptable? Does this sort of thing really help people choose who to vote for? In a way the candidate intends, I mean. With all that's wrong with Edward Scicluna -- and plenty is -- does this make anyone feel they can't wait for Kristy Debono to become Finance Minister?

‘The ultimate secular crime’

2019-03-13T07:02:41+01:00Wed, 13th Mar '19, 07:02|

What Jason Azzopardi revealed in Parliament last night is a new level of nightmare. And yet, when our eyes flicker open in the cold light of day, we’ll brush off this experience and wash away the unease we feel about what has just happened. Every week a new low is reached for civil rights in [...]

UPDATED: 16th March: Vigil for Truth and Justice

2019-03-17T10:04:04+01:00Tue, 12th Mar '19, 08:42|

Note that time has changed to 18:30. Join us Saturday in front of the Law Courts in Valletta to mark 17 months since the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia. Someone has to stick around to remind this country it is living a lie and someone was killed for trying to change that. The vigil is [...]


2019-03-12T08:30:49+01:00Tue, 12th Mar '19, 08:30|

Someone yesterday wrote I was boring because I pointed out the imbecility of a tweet by the Leader of the Opposition that said his fight in court was aimed at “restoring the imbalance of power”. I may be going out on a limb here but I don’t think Adrian Delia was rethinking Thucydides when he [...]

If you’re looking for a place in Brussels

2019-03-11T14:48:36+01:00Mon, 11th Mar '19, 14:48|

It’s not beneath the dignity of this website to provide a little free advertising as long as it amounts to public service of course. Marlene Mizzi is looking to rent out her Brussels apartment now her time as MEP is drawing to a close. She gave first dibs to other incumbent MEPs presumably in case [...]

Stick to poetry maybe?

2019-03-11T12:08:52+01:00Mon, 11th Mar '19, 12:08|

Adrian Delia tweeted this morning after going to court. He went to fight one of his Monday morning battles because, he says, "we must restore the imbalance of power". What's wrong with the imbalance we have now? You have one job.

“Constitution is the people’s” — Sunday Times editorial

2019-03-10T15:47:47+01:00Sun, 10th Mar '19, 15:47|

Please do read The Sunday Times's editorial of today about the secrecy with which Constitutional reforms are being debated behind closed doors by a committee made of representatives of the PN and the PL. The heading says it all. The Editor is rightly concerned that so far, apart from political parties, only Repubblika has shown [...]

Let’s go back to Damascus

2019-03-10T15:34:52+01:00Sun, 10th Mar '19, 15:34|

He’s gone full circle now. He started out by arguing the PN was obsessive about corruption because Daphne Caruana Galizia had taken possession of the party. Under her spell and the feeble leadership of Simon Busuttil, the PN had lost touch with ‘the bread and butter issues’. The party had become too negative. It had [...]

He wants term limits now

2019-03-09T20:46:52+01:00Sat, 9th Mar '19, 13:12|

So Joseph Muscat wants us to believe he has grown tired of politicians who want to stick to their seats. He’s suggested a use by date for Parliamentarians: out after 20 years. And if an MP makes it to Prime Minister they need to be knocked out within 10. As always with Joseph Muscat it [...]

Repubblika files court application demanding an inquiry into Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri

2019-03-08T15:46:14+01:00Fri, 8th Mar '19, 15:46|

This is a video statement released today by Repubblika after representatives of the organisation filed a court application today demanding an inquiry into Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri, those who bribed them and those who helped them getting bribed. The statement is in Maltese. Scroll down for an English translation and for a copy of [...]

PEC on Women’s Day: “regret that Malta has not yet accepted a public inquiry on the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia”

2019-03-08T14:45:06+01:00Fri, 8th Mar '19, 14:45|

On its Women's Day statement to the United Nations Human Rights Council, the Press Emblem Campaign has expressed "regret that more than 16 months after the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia in Malta in October 2017, the Maltese authorities have not yet accepted a public inquiry". The PEC urged the Maltese authorities "to find the [...]

Here’s a cover for the Joseph Muscat sticker album

2019-03-08T07:33:02+01:00Fri, 8th Mar '19, 07:33|

Your sense of judgement, which continues to chain you to a ground where very few remain, would tell you this is a spoof by someone a tad too keen like those guys who tattoo a cartoon stickman to their shoulderblade and label it Joseph Muscat. But then you remember that a concert of Joseph Muscat's favourite [...]

Michael Falzon’s big picture

2019-03-07T09:56:21+01:00Thu, 7th Mar '19, 09:56|

There probably isn’t a more callously myopic and less reassuring response than “look at the big picture”. But that’s what Minister Michael Falzon wants us to do while we register the fact that more people are living in deprivation now than last year. He was speaking to Times of Malta commenting in their print report [...]

The President should steer clear of controversies: especially changes to the Constitution

2019-03-06T13:54:12+01:00Wed, 6th Mar '19, 13:47|

The following is a statement issued today by Repubblika: Hours before the nomination of George Vella as President of Malta, we heard that his predecessor, Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, suspended the series of meetings she had been chairing of a committee made up of representatives nominated by Joseph Muscat and Adrian Delia to drive changes [...]

‘Journalistic’ concern with offensive flowers

2019-03-06T14:03:42+01:00Wed, 6th Mar '19, 11:45|

News media from around the world reported with dismay, right up to this week, the government's evil campaign of daily removal of flowers, candles and protest messages left at the Great Siege memorial opposite the law courts. Not to be outdone, the world-respected, brave, intrepid, truth-seeking, fair-minded journalists at Super One are also covering this [...]

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