About Manuel Delia

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So far Manuel Delia has created 7980 blog entries.

Unmitigated imbecility

2021-06-16T12:33:54+02:00Wed, 16th Jun '21, 09:44|

Jason Micallef, who heads both the Labour Party's propaganda vehicles and is responsible for "culture in the capital city", reacted angrily to #occupyjustice's protest last night in his precious ramshackle allotment at the entrance to the city built by gentlemen and run by a fatuous, asinine, over-promoted gardener.   I was about to write something [...]

#occupyjustice: Thank you for the blank canvas, Jason Micallef

2021-06-16T08:42:54+02:00Wed, 16th Jun '21, 08:42|

Issued by #occupyjustice last night: #occupyjustice activists ‘planted’ placards in the Republic Street planters in front of the Parliament buildings. The slogans included: Fil-Parlament ma jikbrux fjuri, imma ħdura hawn kemm trid Ħaxix biex jaħbu l-ħaxi Grazzi Sur Jason Micallef, ħloqtilna spazju biex inwaslu leħinna Ministru Ian Borg, ħalli siġra mġiddma! and It-tieni interconnector? Mela l-Electrogas x’nambuha? Mr [...]

Raw nerve

2021-06-16T08:27:59+02:00Wed, 16th Jun '21, 08:27|

George Vella has been reacting a bit touchily to what he clearly perceives as lèse-majesté. Yesterday he issued a petulant statement reacting to a response by 2% of a random sample in a survey that said they perceived corruption in the President’s office. George Vella went all “fejn huma l-provi?” and told the anonymous responders [...]

Repubblika publishes proposals on fighting corruption in elections

2021-06-15T12:44:08+02:00Tue, 15th Jun '21, 12:44|

Civil rights NGO Repubblika today published a document with a raft of recommendations to fight corruption in elections, particularly the abuse of the power of incumbency by candidates who serve as ministers and the ruling party. The NGO underlined in its report existing legislation that is mostly ignored. These include rules against the use of [...]


2021-06-15T14:20:25+02:00Tue, 15th Jun '21, 12:28|

The Transparency International survey asking a sample of 500 Maltese respondents questions about how they perceive corruption, turns up some perplexing results. Well, let me feign perplexity. It looks better than embarrassment. More than half of the respondents of the survey said they thought that it is not possible to expose corruption one is aware [...]

STAR COMMENT: Edward Mallia on that PA vote on the dB Towers

2021-06-15T12:19:58+02:00Tue, 15th Jun '21, 12:19|

Edward Mallia sent the following as a comment under my post on Robert Abela's statement about wanting the environment to be his most important pillar to make Malta "the best in the world". I commented in my post that just as the prime minister was speaking about Malta's environment being made world-best within 10 years, [...]

Happy days

2021-06-14T11:42:16+02:00Mon, 14th Jun '21, 11:42|

Times of Malta reported that Ian Borg stood idly by as anti-covid rules were flouted grotesquely at the St Philip Band Club during the Żebbuġ Festa yesterday. In his defence, such as it is, Ian Borg said Bernard Grech was there as well. Ah, that's alright then. I'll just leave this here. The man on [...]

LONG READ: Kiss the flag

2021-06-14T11:28:23+02:00Mon, 14th Jun '21, 11:28|

Size, history, ethnic makeup, relative religious homogeneity, peripherality, maritime and front-line geographical location: all these are possible causes, ingredients in the mirky soup of our particular brand of nationalism. If the causes are debatable, the manifestation of nationalism in this country should be beyond doubt. The fact that we don’t think about it too much, [...]


2021-06-11T16:57:10+02:00Fri, 11th Jun '21, 16:57|

Norma Saliba and Quinton Scerri defended, poorly, TVM coverage of conditions inside the prisons after a complaint filed with the Broadcasting Authority. The Broadcasting Authority ordered PBS to carry a feature which depicts the “real situation” and which “respects people’s intelligence”. Which means TVM’s reporting did not report on the real situation and was disrespectful [...]

What’s next? The best in the solar system? Better than Jesus? Labour forever?

2021-06-11T10:31:24+02:00Fri, 11th Jun '21, 10:29|

Please find me someone in the country, even the most adulating and fawning Laburist sal-mewt, the most indebted crony, the discarded but vaguely sentient attempts at cloning Jason Micallef, the lazier spermatozoa dozing in the recesses of Glen Bedingfield’s wrinkly scrota, who is taken in by hyperbole like “we’ll be the best in the world”. [...]

The world’s best for platitudes, commonplaces, off-the-shelf slogans and hifalutin vacuity

2021-06-11T09:23:15+02:00Fri, 11th Jun '21, 09:23|

I wish I could be constructive about the prime minister’s announcement of his "vision" for the next ten years. I wish there were things we could take home from yesterday’s press conference. I wish we could hope for some return from the money the government is spending on this tax-payer-funded pre-election publicity exercise for the [...]

Some thank yous

2021-06-10T15:42:18+02:00Thu, 10th Jun '21, 15:42|

My closing remarks at yesterday's launch of The Third Siege of Malta. You’re walking away with 135,000 words I wrote so the last thing you need is a speech. So just a few words of thanks from me. First, thanks for everyone helping out tonight and for the panellists who took time out and managed [...]

The editor of The Third Siege of Malta on stepping up

2021-06-10T10:14:10+02:00Thu, 10th Jun '21, 10:14|

Calling Alessandra Dee Crespo the "editor" of The Third Siege of Malta is reductive. It suggests a purely revisory role, a censor who is perhaps kind, but a censor nonetheless. Alessandra's role in this book is of co-creator. Choosing themes, joining disparate writings written over four years and sewing them into a coherent narrative is [...]

Quit the bullshit, Edward Zammit Lewis

2021-06-09T10:07:30+02:00Wed, 9th Jun '21, 10:07|

The Justice Minister’s article in today’s Times of Malta is a national embarrassment. People at the Venice Commission must be reading it and rolling on the floor with laughter. What a proper buffoon. I’ve already written why I think Edward Zammit Lewis lost the argument here. I feel no inclination to repeat myself just because [...]

Where’s the conflict of interest?

2021-06-09T08:50:31+02:00Wed, 9th Jun '21, 08:50|

Edward Zammit Lewis is reported to be objecting to Police Superintendent George Cremona being made head of the asset recovery bureau. That’s an office that largely exists as a legal fiction rather than in reality. It is meant to seize objects owned by criminals acquired from the proceeds from their crimes. Typically, this would be [...]

Dusting off Gonzi’s plans

2021-06-09T11:45:28+02:00Wed, 9th Jun '21, 08:05|

Minister Miriam Dalli called a press conference to announce her vision for a new undersea electricity cable connecting Malta to Sicily. This is not something that is actually going to happen in this legislature. So consider this a Labour Party press event funded by the government. There would have been no harm in the Labour [...]

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