Denial of Service attack on

2019-11-22T16:04:59+01:00Fri, 22nd Nov '19, 16:04|

Our technical team has noticed increased activity of bots that suggest the beginnings of a coherent denial of service (DDOS) attack. You may have experienced occasional downtime when this was happening today. We have decided therefore to increase precautions to try to protect the website from a full-scale DDOS attack that could cause the website [...]

UPDATED: Portable shredders at Portomaso

2019-11-23T12:23:53+01:00Fri, 22nd Nov '19, 14:32|

Updated Saturday, 23 November 2019 12:12 Someone who identified himself as a spokesman for the firm that operates these mobile shredders called me to clarify they had been pre-booked for the job before Yorgen Fenech's arrest and the job was at the Hilton Hotel which is part of the Portomaso Complex. Mobile industrial scale paper [...]

Caruana Galizia family says investigation should be free from political interference

2019-11-22T14:08:41+01:00Fri, 22nd Nov '19, 14:08|

Statement by the family: The arrest of Yorgen Fenech is an important and overdue development in the investigation into our wife and mother’s assassination. As investigators now turn to Fenech’s corrupt links with the Maltese Prime Minister’s chief of staff Keith Schembri and cabinet minister Konrad Mizzi, we are dismayed to see the Prime Minister [...]

Has Yorgen Fenech asked for immunity to turn state’s evidence?

2019-11-22T12:27:43+01:00Fri, 22nd Nov '19, 12:27|

In his comments to the press this morning the prime minister let slip he was referring to Melvyn Theuma's request for immunity as "l-ewwel proklama", the first proclamation. He immediately retracted it and said he meant "l-unika proklama", the only plea deal he was being asked to recommend. Joseph Muscat is clearly not getting much [...]

Coalition of the willing

2019-11-22T10:59:41+01:00Fri, 22nd Nov '19, 10:59|

Come join us tonight. We're meeting outside Castille at 18:30. Mario Vella (not the governor of the Central Bank who studied in communist East Germany but protects the broken corporatism of today) but the real leftie with his heart firmly in the right place, the unsurpassable poet and inimitable political musician has just announced on [...]

Is that guy smiling?

2019-11-22T10:52:23+01:00Fri, 22nd Nov '19, 10:52|

If you've seen Joker you'll know it's perfectly possible to have involuntary laughter. In a film based on graphic novels. To be fair, it's far. But is he smiling? Does he think something's funny now?

Council of Europe rapporteur “concerned”: Shouldn’t the PM keep his distance?

2019-11-22T10:46:33+01:00Fri, 22nd Nov '19, 10:45|

The blatant conflict of interest of Joseph Muscat presenting himself as chief investigator of the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia and of taking alone decisions on presidential pardons that could infect his own cabinet was raised today in a tweet by Pieter Omtzigt who reports to the Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly on the rule [...]

Let’s take a hypothetical scenario, shall we?

2019-11-22T10:09:27+01:00Fri, 22nd Nov '19, 10:09|

Yorgen Fenech admits to his involvement in the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia but he offers to become what the Italians would call a pentito eccellente, a Tommaso Buscetta for our time. Out of fear of a lifetime in prison, or out of fear that his lifetime in fear could be cut short, or out [...]

You want to see what a damaged car looks like?

2019-11-22T08:56:14+01:00Fri, 22nd Nov '19, 08:56|

Remember when Joseph Muscat reacted to the first protest action by the women of Occupy Justice? They pitched tents outside his office in Castille and slept rough for a few nights. It wasn’t exactly the storming of the Bastille. There were no barbecued entrails and heads on spikes. But Labour went all mediaeval starting with [...]

Demanding the impossible

2019-11-22T07:54:36+01:00Fri, 22nd Nov '19, 07:54|

A London correspondent for an Italian newspaper spoke to me last night after she read Yorgen Fenech was released without charge. ‘Your country is officially crazier than mine. Both of them.’ Yeah. The mastermind behind the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia was the most wanted man in the history of crime in Malta. The world [...]

Yorgen Fenech released without charge

2019-11-21T21:45:25+01:00Thu, 21st Nov '19, 21:10|

Before the 48 hour deadline for the police to release or charge Yorgen Fenech after his spectacular arrest out at sea aboard his yacht Gio, the owner of 17 Black suspected of being the mastermind behind the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia has been released by the police without charge. The police have said they [...]

Vacancies filled

2019-11-21T19:03:38+01:00Thu, 21st Nov '19, 19:03|

We suspected there were vacancies at the police chief’s and the attorney general’s offices for some time. The prime minister has now filled them. Both. With himself. The daily statements given by the prime minister these last three days are profoundly disturbing. The prime minister is providing details of what persons being interrogated have or [...]

RIGHT OF REPLY: Letter from the Bank of Valletta

2019-11-21T18:18:07+01:00Thu, 21st Nov '19, 18:18|

The below refers to my post of this morning about the Bank of Valletta, linked here. As is the practice on this blog comments on a post which carries someone's right of reply are not carried. Mr Delia Reference is made to the article “Pilatus. Sata. Now BOV” published on your blog on 21 November. [...]

GUEST POST: The cross examination

2019-11-21T13:47:32+01:00Thu, 21st Nov '19, 13:47|

Sent in by someone known to me. The Prime Minister’s narrative so far has been that “so far” there is no information that politicians were involved in the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia. The former government spokesman, recently put on a salary of 500 euros a day, always denied the description of it being a [...]

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