Ali Sadr’s wife has permit to split in two a large Tower Road apartment. Plan is to be neighbours with Pilatus CEO Ghanbari.

2018-05-11T21:09:25+02:00Fri, 11th May '18, 21:06|

The wife of Pilatus Bank owner and indicted bank fraud Ali Sadr acquired a permit to split a large waterfront apartment at 182, Tower Road, Sliema. Ali Sadr's wife, Yasemin Aral, acquired a permit to split half of the apartment where the bank's CEO Hamidreza Ghanbari lives so she can settle in Malta. The permit [...]

Now you see why all the laptop talk

2018-05-11T20:17:53+02:00Fri, 11th May '18, 20:17|

The Castille-mandated campaign driven by mouthpieces Josef Caruana, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and others on the supposed existence of a laptop that Daphne Caruana Galizia used before her death and that, they argue, is being hidden from investigators in order to cover up information on the crime is now being seen for what it is. This [...]

GUEST POST: Themis at the President’s office

2018-05-11T18:24:55+02:00Fri, 11th May '18, 18:24|

The author of this piece, known to me, reacted to this poster circulated by a quango set up by the President that will be discussing something called 'a feminist approach to rule of law'. Not in my name I was intrigued to learn of a forthcoming event organised by the President’s Foundation for Social Wellbeing [...]

The MGA double spin

2018-05-11T18:06:49+02:00Fri, 11th May '18, 18:06|

The Gaming Authority’s reply to the Investigative Reporting Project (Italy)’s report on mafia infiltration into Malta’s gaming industry (carried by La Repubblica and the Times of Malta) was written by two authors. At least that’s my analysis of the clashing style that is immediately noticeable in their statement even on a first reading. Read the MGA [...]

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