Vigil featured on Hindustani Times
On the Hindustani Times this morning. This is from the Delhi edition:
On the Hindustani Times this morning. This is from the Delhi edition:
Ali Sadr’s lawyers offered the US court a bond package of 20 million US dollars in order to guarantee he will show up to trial if his released on bail. In arguments to the court for Ali Sadr to be released until his trial, his lawyers explained that part of the bond will be secured [...]
The article is by Ranier Fsadni and was published in the Times of Malta this morning. It is, as is usual from this author, brilliant, clear and devastatingly cogent. People who shared the article on Facebook have had it struck down after Facebook received complaints the article is spam. We are fighting a battle merely [...]
A family of a policeman is going through unbearable suffering. He was doing his job directing traffic and a young man tried to kill him. I’d have to say allegedly tried to kill him of course, but his arrest and arraignment though not a prejudice to the presumption of his innocence are manifest and reasonable [...]
Verses sent in by Sean who is known to me: Numbers are allowing for this validation, A constant tallying of national falsification. Championing through daily rights for civil liberty, Whilst enabling the degradation of moral purity. Pumping stations will fuel this egoistic vanity, Trees mortgaged to satisfy our Dubai fantasy. A country where men can [...]
My speech at yesterday's vigil in Valletta: Nixtieqkom tilbsu ż-żarbun tas-sorsi li kixfu dak li nafu fuq il-korruzzjoni f’pajjiżna. Meta l-whistleblowers tkellmu sentejn jew sena ilu ħadu riskji kbar. Xebgħu jaħbu għall-imbruljuni u stħaw flok sħabhom li baqgħu jagħlqu għajnejhom. Ħadu riskji kbar. Tilfu xogħolhom u għal xi żmien il-libertà tagħhom. Esponew ‘l uliedhom [...]
Do people feel the way they sound when they go on Facebook to say the thug who ran over a policeman should have reversed over him to finish the job? It was not a universally held view by any means but what possesses apparently normal people to say such things in open view of everyone? [...]
This website was down for almost 15 hours after what is called a DDoS attack, an act of sabotage that, the engineers who manage this website told me, was a considerable, relentless, well planned and focused effort to keep this website down for as long as possible. It can't be a coincidence that whoever did [...]
I don’t subscribe to the idea that just because Martin Scicluna is old he can be excused for his ramblings as the drool dripping out of his over-extended mind. I think that since he writes his hypocrisies, he deserves the respect of being replied to. Nor does it matter that once upon a time he [...]
The protest banners set up in the wee hours of this morning to ask who killed Daphne Caruana Galizia did not see dawn. They were, as was expected, removed. Although I have not seen them do it, my money, such as it is, is on the police. They removed the banners in the same way [...]
By Amy Mallia:
Not by renowned haikist Franco Debono: 17 Black Who owns seventeen black? Not me. Not you. But someone does and knows it!
When writing about the conservation of Dom Mintoff’s “modernist traditional” Ħal Tarxien villa yesterday I thought we can take some comfort that his house will stay on while everything around will be converted into the bog standard apartment blocks that are covering the country. Not quite as it turns out. Dom Mintoff’s villa is zoned [...]
Statement by #occupyjustice: Seventeen women clad in black stood on the steps of Castille, the office of Malta’s Prime Minister, holding cards reading “Who Owns 17 Black?” to mark seven months since the assassination of the journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia. The protest, carried out by #Occupyjustice activists, was in clear reference to the mystery client [...]
Earlier today I wrote that ‘ironic’ no longer works for what is happening around us. If you’re around my age you remember Jagged Little Pill. “Mr Play It Safe was afraid to fly/ He packed his suitcase and kissed his kids good-bye/ He waited his whole damn life to take that flight/ And as the [...]